How Graphic Designs Impact our Lives


How Graphic Designs Impact our Lives

Did you know that up until the 19th century most products sold in the UK had no fancy packaging or designs?

Today it is difficult for us to imagine products without their logos and visual elements. For example, can you imagine McDonald's without two golden arches or IKEA without a simple font?

That's the power of good design, and it goes far beyond making things look pretty or just functional. Good suggestions can also be empowering, inspiring and uplifting; they can change the way you interpret the world around you.

Good role models are everywhere and make your life more enjoyable. Read on to find out the different ways that impactful designs affect you in your life and how you can come up with your share of inspiring designs.

How does good design affect our lives?

Great design is more than just bright colors and stunning visuals; It is a perfect combination of human psychology, art, technology, culture and business. Good design is an essential tool for brands today to meet customer expectations and communicate their message. Let's dive into the different ways organizations are using game-changing design to grab your attention.

Great design helps you feel good in an uncertain world

With markets exploding with hundreds and thousands of similar products, it's often overwhelming to choose, even for smaller items like soap or shampoo. We can visit a store to pick up a simple bar of soap and then realize that there are dozens of other options on the shelf.

Simple designs cut through the noise by assuring you of their quality and allowing you to connect with the product. The familiar black font Patent or the green circle above the letter "G" Garner are great suggestions because they know you well.

Logos are not the only things when we talk about good designs. The classic clean lines and practicality of IKEA furniture are synonymous with the brand, making their furniture identifiable - even without tags.

The excellent design will make your work easier

Great designs shouldn't just be familiar, they should also make your life easier, even if they're simple. In fact, the fancy design can in many cases hinder the practicality of the product.

Take highway signs for example - they have solid backgrounds with large print letters and arrows that are easily visible from your car when you're driving towards them at 80km/h. Take the same design and replace it with sleek italics on a light background – drivers may have to slow down to read the signs!

Great designs are memorable

Great designs are not only comforting, but they often imprint themselves on our minds and cannot be forgotten even if we wanted to. Tower Bridge and Big Ben in London are examples of great architectural designs that are memorable.

With the prevalence of smartphones and electronic devices, designers are also working on the practicality and appearance of these items to give you a hassle-free experience. For example, the iPad's simplicity and flexibility are popular with customers and command a huge chunk of the market.

The best part? Great designs can also motivate you and future generations. For example, the miniskirt, which was invented by a British designer in the 1960s in London, influences fashion trends even half a century later.

Whether you realize it or not, your decisions are influenced by best design in every aspect of your life – from your choice of shampoo to your home. best designs have guided & inspired us in the past will continue to be a significant part of our lives. If you are artistically inclined or want to leave great designs as your legacy, you should consider taking graphic design courses.
